Linear Pattern

Linear Pattern

Linear Pattern

Linear pattern is a useful tool for making parts like custom base plates or copying patters up a square tube. This example will be placing 15 holes evenly spaced in a 5 by 3 pattern in a 10”x10” plate.



1.  Draw the plate and the bottom right hole in position

 - Drawing the first part that will be patterned in the bottom right position makes using the tool easier.

2.  Click on the circle and then click the Linear Patter tool

 - Linear Pattern is on the far right of the ribbon and looks like a grid pattern.

3.  Change Direction 1 and Direction 2 with the correct count and the amount of spacing between parts

- Direction 1 is spacing up and down

 - Direction 2 is left and right

- Click enter or the green check mark when complete

4.  Completed Linear Pattern

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